LaFrance Consulting Services LLC
TwoOldGuys™ electronic publishing division
Charles R LaFrance, PhD
551 Woodland Dr, Graham NC 27253
(336) 226-6875

Watch for the release of the eBook "If Ecosystems Really Were Fragile..."

We currently offer “independent study” tutorial media, designed for students at Liberal Arts Colleges. Our methods have been proven to help the students learn and remember what they learn. If the comments from former students [click here to read examples] don't sound like the on-line courses you have taken, our tutorial guides may help you learn the material.

on-line books

1. Nutrition for Nursing Students, independent study by C. LaFrance, PhD
This book is designed to provide the Nursing (as well as pre-Nursing and Allied Health) student with a solid foundation in Nutrition Science as it relates to the practice of Nursing (as a patient advocate and nursing educator). The role of nutrition in maintaining Wellness is an underlying theme through-out the text. It is assumed that the reader has taken at least one College-level science course, including Human Anatomy & Physiology (or is taking A & P concurrently).
2. Nutrition for Liberal Arts Students, independent study by C. LaFrance, PhD
This book is designed to provide the College student with a understanding of how nutrition relates to overall good health and the ability to maintain an active life-style through-out the student's life, while extending a high quality life well into their ‘senior’ years. References to the Science of Nutrition assume the student has taken High School Biology, but no college biology courses. The free on-line version will be phased out when the edition for eReaders, such as Kindle and Nook becomes available.
3. Biological Concepts for Teachers, 2nd Edition with on-line textbook (in web page format) by C. LaFrance, PhD
This “book” is a resource for the K-12 teacher covering what to teach based on current standards based Science teaching. Consistent with the e-text as a resource, the Content is presented in grade-appropriate blocks, following the cognitive development of Humans and leading to the complete development of the concepts underlying the content (appropriate to College-level cognitive development). It is not intended to be a “methods course.” It is assumed that the reader may have taken High School Biology, but has successfully forgotten most of what they learned in that course.
4. Introductory Plant Ecology by C. LaFrance, PhD
This e-textbook provides an introduction to Plant Commmunity Ecology. The focus is on the basis for a general theory of Community Ecology. It is assumed that the reader has taken at least an college-level Introductory Biology or Botany course; Introductory Genetics is recommended.

Currently available e-Study Guides

1. Principles of Biology  by C. LaFrance, PhD
2. Botany  by C. LaFrance, PhD
3. Genetics  by C. LaFrance, PhD
4. Ecology is currently not available in outline form. See our Introductory Plant Ecology e-Textbook

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revised 21 Sep 2014